cellity Communicator v1.7.0 J2ME - emails, free text messages & low cost callsThe cellity Communicator is more than just an ingenious cellphone app. The penny-pinching program offers all of cellitys best features in a single, compact program. After switching on your cellphone, all you need to do is launch cellity Communicator. Then you can start saving as much as 90% on international calls and those within your home country or easily hold a conference call with several people. cellity users also benefit from competitively priced text messaging and freeSMS messages of up to 2,048 characters. Users can also use the Communicator phonebook and easily run backups onto the cellity server. No important data is lost, even if you get separated from your cellphone.

Finally, you can have all your friends take part in one and the same callto postpone an outing or line up the next get-together, for example. And how does it work? Nothing could be easier. Just activate the groupCALL option on your Communicator and everybody can get a word in. No more unsettled issues and rescheduled meetings. And youll save quite a lot on call charges, too.It is a real possibility. You lose your cellphone and, to add to your frustration, all your phone numbers are gone, too. But this wont happen to you in real life if youve run a backup of your address book with cellity backup. Just select the backup option on your Communicator and copy your address book to the secure cellity server. If you lose your cellphone, you can recover your lost data using your cellity password on your new device.* Your provider may charge you for data transfer via GPRS. Please check your contract to be sure you have a reasonable price for data. ** Roaming costs by your network provider will still be incurred if calling from outside your home country. Use the remote call option (if available) to avoid these costs.